
American Society of Addiciton Medicine

Frequently Asked Questions

Copyright & Permissions

Frequently Asked Questions

Copyright & Permission FAQs

Q1: When is permission required to use The ASAM Criteria?
Q2: Why is ASAM changing the copyright and permissions program for The ASAM Criteria?
Q3: Why is it important that The ASAM Criteria be implemented comprehensively?
Q4: How do the changes to The ASAM Criteria copyright permissions process fit into ASAM鈥檚 overall efforts to support comprehensive and effective implementation of The ASAM Criteria standards?
Q5: What types of organizations and providers can obtain permission to publish or market their use of The ASAM Criteria?
Q6: In states that require the use of the ASAM Criteria, do providers need to obtain a permission agreement from ASAM to comply with state law?
Q7: How will the changes to The ASAM Criteria copyright permissions process be rolled out?
Q8: Are permission agreements needed when referencing The ASAM Criteria for educational purposes?
Q9: Is a permission agreement needed to deliver basic introductory training on the ASAM Criteria?
Q10: Are permission agreements needed when referencing The ASAM Criteria in legislation, regulations, or government policy documents?
Q11: How can my organization apply for a permissions agreement?
Q12: How much will the permissions agreements cost? Are there discounts available?
Q13: What else is ASAM doing to support the effective implementation of The ASAM Criteria?
Q14: How do the copyright and permissions changes relate to the ASAM Level of Care certification program?
Q15: Do I need a permissions agreement to reference The ASAM Criteria if I use the ASAM CONTINUUM software?
Q16: Where can I find more information?

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Questions? Please email ASAMcriteria@asam.org